The Tiffany Rouge Academy

Combatting Comparison Mode



We’re no stranger to lusting after someone else’s life just because it looks so good on social media. Theodore Roosevelt got it right when he said Comparison is the Thief of Joy, and Tiff has three tips on how to regain your joy and to combat those negative thoughts when comparison mode creeps up on you.Gary Vee’s Speech on the Like Count disappearing - Shetty’s Podcast on Gratitude being the only emotion at a time -|Tiffany is a Plant Medicine & Microdose Enthusiast, a Medicine woman and Spiritual Speaker. She's passionate about helping others find a state of homeostasis within themselves and equipping them with daily spiritual practices to help them stay there. In other words, finding that happy place within yourself and doing what you can to stay there. |She regularly hosts Breathwork at the Tara Hall in Adelaide, South Australia and facilitates conscious connec