The Tiffany Rouge Academy

MA CHATS P1: Where Robbie Singh started



January = Getting Started!All this month I’m looking at starting, things like how to get started and where to start. I’ve also got some really cool chats with incredible people about how they started and where they ended up. So stay tuned for the month of January.This episode part is 1 of an incredible chat with master recruiter Robbie Singh. He uses LinkedIn like its Facebook, has cut countless shapes on many dancefloors and even has his own truck company. We talk about how he’s a kiwi through and through, but has his roots deeply planted in his Indian heritage; there’s no stupid idea with Robbie, he looks at anything as an opportunity and has loads of wisdom to share.Also, I’m starting a podcast production agency, so if you want to start a podcast in 2020 and have no idea what to do. I’ve got your back, just head over to and hit me up on the contact form, or just shoot me an email