Panel To Panel

Issue #63: A Long Time Comin' for Kaldur'ahm FT. Jordan Clark & Viktor Kerney



We're back again folks! On this week's episode, James sits down with writer and co-host of the podcast MEGASHEEN Viktor Kerney, as well as previous writer of Aquaman's 2016, run issues 62 & 63 and co-host of the podcast White People Won't Save You Podcast, Jordan Clark. They talk about Jackson Hyde's rise from 2010's Brightest Day and the starring spot in the TV show Young Justice to his now brand new mini-series Aquaman The Becoming where it is leading up to the eventual takeover of a black gay Aquaman in the DC Pantheon. They also discuss the need for more characters of color and the new for more queer characters and not just a small piece of media for a time and the need for long-term representation. Turn the page with us folks on this brand new episode of Panel To Panel! (One Error in this episode is the classification that the entire Deep Dives comixology exclusive series was by Steve Orlando when the two Jackson Hyde stories included were written by Dave Weilgosz)--- This episode is sponsored by · A