Dracaena Wines Podcast

Life Between the Vines with Ray Fister



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass! Today, I sit down with Ray Fister, the mastermind behind Life Between the Vines Podcast.   Earlier in June, I had the privilege of attending a press trip to Abruzzo, Italy. During the trips, it seems that you always make a stronger connection with one or two people and Ray and I met early on and honestly had a blast everytime we got together. Then we were lucky enough to be on the same flight home, which helped to make the 11 hour flight fly right by!  If you enjoy Exploring the Wine Glass, I’d appreciate you giving me some love by taking two minutes out of your day to write up a review on whatever app you listen on. It is the best way to support the show. Music: WINE by Kēvens Official Video Follow me on Instagram!   Follow me on Twitter! SUBSCRIBE ON iTUNES STITCHER | iTUNES | GOOGLE PLAY | SPOTIFY | PODBEAN l AUDIBLE Even ask your smart speaker to play