

There are a significant amount of similarities and differences between LTC and ETH that make it hard to determine which one you should be involved in. Similarities between Litecoin and Ethereum Both have a faster transaction time than Bitcoin.  Both use the proof-of-work (POW) consensus mechanism. Ethereum uses Ethash, whereas Litecoin Scrypt. The idea behind POW is for miners to utilize their computational power to tackle cryptographically difficult puzzles. As a result, the miner who solves the problem by adding a new block to the blockchain is rewarded for the same.  Both can be traded on many crypto exchanges.  Both support smart contracts. Differences between Litecoin and Ethereum Litecoin is mainly seen as a mode of payment or currency as it serves as an alternative to Bitcoin. Expressly, it is Bitcoin’s fork. Conversely, Ethereum is primarily viewed as a smart contract platform needed in developing decentralized applications (DApps). The block time for Ethereum is 15 seconds, whereas that of Li