The Beauty Beat With Francesca Alexander

Episode 64: Ep 64: Take me to your next Social Media Meeting: Goals and Social Media



In this podcast, we talk about what can you realistically expect from your goals and social media. You guessed it! The dreaded ROI discussion. From a business or owner perspective, is it worth it? How do you measure your return on investment? From a social media provider, it is important to explain this to your potential clients. The link to our blog will tell you more. Listen in as we show you the myths and the realistic expectations. Blog link: THIS EPISODE NEED MORE EXPLANATION?Awesome I am here to help! Click here and book your free social media audit or consultation. VOTE:American females need to vote more than ever before. Find out if you are registered to vote here. Here's a link: ex-pats (just like me!) Click below to register as an Overseas Voter: your elected