Business Forward

Briefing: Biden's OPE Director and Nominees for Commerce and SBA



On January 15, Co-chair of the Biden-Harris transition team and Biden’s Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, Congressman Cedric Richmond joined us for introductory remarks. Governor Gina Raimondo, President-elect Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Commerce, and Isabel Guzman, his nominee for Small Business Administrator, talked with Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck of Washington, and answered questions from business leaders on economic recovery, racial and gender equity, health care, helping rural America, and climate change. Both nominees discussed how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted small businesses across the country, and their plans to help business leaders build back better. This briefing was part of a series of briefings Business Forward and our partner Small Business for America's Future will conduct with President-elect Biden’s nominees for critical economic, climate, and health care posts.