American Monetary Association

426: Lumber SHORTAGE = Logistical Nightmare! Simon Caron, Uneducated Economist



Jason Hartman welcomes Simon Caron, the Uneducated Economist, who quite frankly, is a lot more educated than many economists out there! With a background in the lumber industry and his direct work in sales at a lumberyard, Simon's research comes from real world, real life experience as he deals firsthand with the current building material and lumber shortage logistical nightmare on a daily basis. He reports that lead time for a lot of building materials is now three months and discusses the Cantillon Effect, worsening inequality and the crisis builders are facing just to get their projects completed. Builders are having to order supplies before they even have a permit, putting the cart before the horse! Simon also encourages you to pay close attention to debt (especially corporate debt), rising interest rates and central bank digital currencies. "Welcome to the Uneducated Economist, the place where street level thoughts and conversations take place covering all things macroeconomics. I