Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Mercury Transits Through the Signs



Episode 161. Mercury spends about three weeks in a sign. Mercury can indicate changes in communication, ideas, thinking, skills, mental stimulation, conversations, and where you’re curious. Aries - When Mercury is in Aries, thinking becomes fast - and so does decision-making. On the high side, this means you’re not sitting around waiting for permission to do anything. On the low side, you could be impulsive, which could lead to regrets later on. This transit also brings out blunt but honest communication. You’re not afraid to say it like it is - but you could be more argumentative than usual. Taurus - When Mercury is in Taurus, you can slow your thinking down. Instead of rushing to make decisions, you’ll prefer to take your time. Your thinking becomes more grounded, patient, and practical. This is an excellent time for discussions around money because security may be on your mind. Watch out for a tendency to be obstinate. Gemini - When Mercury is in Gemini, life seems to hurry by. You’re busy, flitting from o