



The sun is just rising in the morning of another day. 朝阳又在新的一天中冉冉升起。What can I wish that this day may bring me? Nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the expense of other men but just those few things which in their coming do not stop me but touch me rather as they pass and gather strength.我期许这一天带给我什么呢?我希望带给我的不是令世界或他人更贫穷的东西,不是损害别人的东西,而是那些微小的、能触动我的东西,它们经过时,或者不断聚集力量之时不会妨碍我。I wish that this day could bring me a few friends who understand me and yet remain my friends. I also wish that this day could bring me a work to do which has real value.我希望这一天能够带给我一些惺惺相惜的朋友,希望我们友谊长存;我也希望这一天能够给我带来一份真正有价值的工作。I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.我希望这一天能够带给我无畏远行的胸怀,即使旅途没有光亮的照耀;我还希望这一天能够带给我善解人意的心。I wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills and the blue sea stretching to the horizon and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made.我希望这一天能够让我看到永恒的山冈,看到辽