Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 192: Rock Star or Mental Patient



"Footy" by Deakin from Sleep Cycle; "Eternal Darkness" by Nemesis Beatmaker from Pack De Beats Vol III; "White Pulse" by John Carpenter from Lost Themes II; "On My Mind" by Andy Stott from Too Many Voices; "For Kendrick Finish Tonight" by Mr. Carmack from the Yellow EP; "Moon Drone" by Christina Vantzou from No 3; "The Take" by Woods from City Sun Eater in the River of Light; "Logic of a Dream" by Explosions in the Sky from The Wilderness; "Gasoline and Mirrors" by Bibio featuring Wax Stag from A Mineral Love; "How to Save a Life (Vector of Eternity)" by Mikael Seifu from Zelalem; "IV" by Aluk Todolo from Voix.