Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#207: You Are Not In a Race.



Many of us can feel as though we’re in a race to reach ‘the finish line’ in our business and lives. We look to those around us to determine if we’re ahead or behind and this can create a sense of urgency. The reality is that we aren’t actually in a race, we will most likely never feel like we ‘crossed the finish line’ and we aren’t competing with anyone either.    When this feeling is used in a healthy way to motivate us it can be motivating, however many of us use it to stress ourselves out.    There are so many different ways to build out and get to where we want in life. Rushing through everything because we feel we’re behind or that someone else is going to get there before us leads us away from not only enjoying ourselves, but potentially not getting as much out of everything as we can.    When we slow down we’re able to make better decisions. When we give ourselves time for sweat equity we can often do incredible things at a fraction of the cost. We are able to explore new ways of creating and going abo