Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP. #183: Why inspiration won't get you to your weight goal, and what will



Do you get derailed from your efforts to lose weight because you lose your inspiration?  How do you stay on track long enough to get results? So often, people ask me how to stay inspired to eat right and lose weight.  Many people believe that inspiration is what you need to be successful, but that’s a fallacy.  Sure, inspiration is great! It feels good, and it makes doing certain things easier.  For a little while.  The problem is that you CAN’T stay inspired for very long, no matter how well things are going.  Maybe you can stay inspired to do something for a week or a month, but if you want to lose weight and keep it off, that won’t get you there. That’s exactly why diets fail. Because when you start a new diet, you’re excited by the newness of it and the hope that this diet will be different.  But when you start to get weary of the stress of food restriction, your inspiration leaves, and so does your adherence to the diet. Establishing positive, healthy eating habits is the secret to success.  Because once