Scots Whay Hae!

Angela Jackson - The Darlings



For the latest SWH! podcast Ali spoke to writer Angela Jackson about her novel 'The Darlings' (published by Lightning Books). Coming 7 years after Angela's acclaimed debut 'The Emergence of Judy Taylor', 'The Darlings' is a honest and insightful novel about the lasting psychological effects of childhood trauma, and our need for unconditional love. Angela goes into detail about what inspired the book, the importance of creating the central character of 'Mark', her life as a writer, the challenges she has faced, and 'casting' her books.  The two also talk about Angela's upcoming Edinburgh Fringe Show 'Say If It's Not Okay', her love of performing, and what she is planning for the future. Following her recent appearance at Aye Write! it was great to catch up with Angela to dig deeper into 'The Darlings', a book which once read will not be forgotten.