Movie Trailer Reviews

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Review



Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness proves that Marvel Studios is really interested in pushing the boundaries of what people think of their films and is not interested in just sticking to the same old formula. For those that had criticisms of MCU films that they never took risks and were formulaic, this is definitely a film that is challenging that viewpoint. This means we get a film that isn't perfect and polished and definitely relies on having knowledge of the Disney+ shows (but that should have been a given). But it's still good and very entertaining.  Sam Raimi's first Marvel Studios film definitely leans hard into horror. We've seen Marvel dabble before into other genres' but Doctor Strange 2 dives feet first into it. There are not only downright frightful moments but there's also a surprising amount of murder on the screen. Yes, murder. A lot of people die (in horrific ways) in this film. Cumberbatch and Olsen do a great job in this film with Olsen continuing the great emotional performance she