Chinese - Survivalphrases

Lower Intermediate Lesson #1 - Do you fancy going to the cinema with me? - Review Track



Informal Manuel: Ti andrebbe di venire al cinema con me? Giulia: Cinema? Hmm, che film hai in mente? Manuel: Stavo pensando al Signore degli Anelli. Giulia: Oh, amo Viggo Mortensen. Manuel: Cosa ne dici del Labirinto del Fauno? Giulia: Hmm no, preferisco il primo. Informal English: Manuel: Would you fancy going to the cinema with me? Giulia: Cinema? Hmm, what movie do you have in mind? Manuel: I was thinking of The Lord of the Rings. Giulia: Oh I love Viggo Mortensen. Manuel: What about Pan's Labyrinth? Giulia: Hmm no, I prefer the first one. Chinese - English Film - movie Mente - mind Pensare - to think Amare - to love Labirinto - labyrinth, maze Preferire - to prefer Primo - first