Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Cathy Ladman On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Yes, Cathy Ladman is a renowned standup comedian, won the American Comedy Award for Best Female Standup Comic, has made 9 appearances on The Tonight Show, 5 on the Late Late Show, has been featured on Modern Family, Curb, Everybody Loves Raymond, Pretty Little Liars, had a recurring role on Caroline in The City, appeared in The Aristocrats, Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead… to name just some… we talked of none of them. We took a deep dive into Cathy’s upcoming show, “Does This Show Make Me Look Fat,” and the impetus behind it. We discussed at great length about Cathy’s eating disorder, what sparked it, how it developed, and how her 36 years in recovery have served her. We talked my food obsession - always at the fore, always on a diet, including now, and what’s really going on with the eating for her, and me. Then we got fun… her first love, too juicy and fabulous to drop here… how his meteoric career started (her suggestion) and how hers did too. Influences and heroes. How the roads appeared and were