Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Longing: A Saving Grace (Link #600)



Speaker: Natasha Carter. Natasha meditates on how the longing to be free of suffering is at the heart of Dharma. It is important to understand this longing from a Dharmic point of view. Desensitizing ourselves to suffering will only render us immune to the Dharma; trying to escape it by pursuing worldly concerns will not work, either. The aim of genuine Dharma practice is to cultivate our capacity to cherish and care for all beings; to do so we have to remain open to suffering, surrendering to what is. Instead of trying to satisfy our longing we should view it as a source of inspiration and devotion, and as a sign of our connection to others. The yearning to free ourselves and all beings from suffering is the essence of "mugu" devotion.