Whoa Podcast About Horses Horsemanship

Jeremy Dunn and the Broken Arrow Ranch



Jeremy Dunn and the Broken Arrow Ranch Jeremy Dunn is a rancher, horse trainer, knife builder, reata braider, and has quite a few more skills developed from a life on the ranch.  And, he really enjoys backcountry camping and would like to teach more people how to access the wilderness with their horses. Many of you know I competed as a rookie in the Vaquero Heritage Trainers Challenge with a horse named Scratch.  One of the judges and organizers of that event was Jeremy Dunn.  Over the course of the competition, we became friends with Jeremy, his wife Brandie and their two children Sage and Steele.  The Dunns live on a remote ranch, the Broken Arrow, in Rosamond bordered on three sides by the mighty Tejon Ranch.  They raise cattle, chickens, a milk cow, have a garden and live the ranch life.  Jeremy trains outside horses and Brandie offers clinics on homemade cheese making. I learned a lot from Jeremy about horsemanship during the Trainers Challenge and even more afterward.  He impressed upon me the fact tha