Christ Church Bartlett

The Joy of Knowing Christ



Philippians 3:1-11 The Joy of Knowing Christ • God is more concerned with the condition of our hearts than with misplaced confidence in our flesh. [Philippians 3:1-6] • What does it profit man to gain the whole world and lose his very own soul? [Philippians 3:7-9] • One of the many benefits of God’s law is to make us aware of our sin and of our need for a righteous Savior. [Philippians 3:9] • We have no greater joy in life than to know Jesus Christ in a personal r relationship, enjoy His presence and embrace his promises, and experience the profound power of His resurrection. [Philippians 3:10-11] • As We Go … Discover the Unspeakable Joy that only comes from Knowing Christ and the Life Transforming Power of His Resurrection!