Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

God's New People (1 Peter 2:8b-12) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Jesus is the Cornerstone, and He's also a stumbling block to those who refuse to believe. These people are disobedient to the Word of God and therefore stumble over Jesus. Peter is explaining that Jewish people don't have a "corner" on God's mercy. Salvation is based on God’s sovereignty, not on inward goodness or a family tree. God chooses & uses ordinary people and, because He works is in them, they are special. No one who has truly been born-again believes they were worthy of being called by God. It's simply by grace through faith in order to avoid pride (Eph. 2). Peter tells Christians to keep their conduct pure so that everyone may see their good deeds and give glory to God. The lives of unbelievers can be changed by the way Christians live their lives.