Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

New Life / Old Relations [Government] (1 Peter 2:13-17) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



God’s new people will do new things, so what does that look like in our normal everyday lives? Peter tells us throughout the rest of the book: o How we interact with governing authorities. [2:13-17] o How we treat our bosses and employees. [2:18-25] o How husbands and wives respond to each other. [3:1-7] o How we relate to one another in the church. [3:8-5:14] God's Word is enduring & true regardless of the policies of the previous, current, or future administrations. His Word always supersedes our current situation. Since God establishes all authority, they are tasked with punishing wrong and praising good. It’s the will of the Lord for His new people to do good while submitting to authority whenever they can. But what are Christians to do when it seems like governing authorities are punishing those who do good and praising those who do evil? First remember that the Christian’s allegiance is to God first and foremost. They cannot give to earthly authorities what they should only giv