Business Unusual With Barbara Corcoran

109: Focus on Fiber



In honor of Small Business Week, I’m joined today by Stacey Marx, President of National Business & Channels at AT&T Business and Sonny Hyare, CEO of ReMedi Health Solutions. We talk about how AT&T Business helped save Sonny’s small business during the pandemic and why fast innovation is key. We also chat about the importance of digital transformation, and the key technology you must have to push your business ahead today.  Got a question? I’m here to help! Call me at 888-Barbara and I might just answer it on a future episode. Subscribe to Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. This episode is presented by AT&T Business. Visit to watch our free Business Unusual Webinar series, with expert advice on how to push your business ahead today.