Deborah's Corporate Hard Talk (dcht)

Season 5 Ep 1 The All Women Season Interview with Shaniek Parks Communications Consultant



Happy International Women's Day Listeners! It's been a minute, we are glad to be back with season 5, a little emotional because we have been gone for some time.  This season at CHT we will focus on women, it is important for us to spin a couple of stories on the head.  Season 5 is all about bringing professional women, specifically black women, it is suggested that black women are behind in the corporate world, what we want to do in Corporate Hard Talk is to speak to women who are doing really well in their careers.  Our vision here is to inspire you a podcast episode at a time! Yes, we are aware that there are limited progression experienced by black women in the labor market. The issue is centered around pay, hours, and representation in top jobs.   In this special episode, we interview Shaniek Parks a Communications Consultant, passionate about PR & Communications. Shaniek shared with us her humble background in Jamaica and how she explored a number of opportunities to further