

Quick Link: Have you ever laughed so hard that you accidentally ripped a monster fart in front of other people… and then laughed even harder because of the sheer awkwardness of the situation? What about laughing so hard that you gushed some pee through your undies and pants? Remember that feeling of wild, uncontrollable joy? The tickle monster is an angel of abundance Uncontrollable laughter actually raises your vibrational state. It removes the space between you and your happiness. It feels good. Laughter is an emotional manifestation of abundance, just like tears of joy, gratitude, orgasms, and love. The tickle monster is an angel of abundance. When was the last time you laughed hard enough to pee your pants? When was the last time you helped someone else rediscover their giggles? Peeing your pants is cool Gremlins want you to pee your pants out of fear (not cool). They don’t want you to know the power of peeing your pants through joy and laughter (super cool). They