Conversations With Matt Dwyer

Dan Iead



Dan Iead is a pedal steel guitarist and guitarist who has play who was a founding member of The Broken West. After The Broken West split Dan went on to play with a long list of impressive musicians including but not limited to Norah Jones, Valerie June, Cass McCombs, and Matt Sweeney. Dan joins Dwyer to talk about discovering the pedal steel guitar, what it means to be a supporting musician, his transition into filmwork and why New York is where it's at for him as a musician.Opening Song, "Untitled," by Dan Iead.Dan's WebsiteQuotes about Dan:“Dan is one of the best musicians I’ve ever worked with in almost 30 years of playing music — he might be THE best. He’s as technically proficient on his instruments as anyone I know but more importantly he has a magic touch — a real feeling in his playing — that is very elusive, very rare. He’s incredibly smart and knowledgeable about music but also very intuitive and instinctual. He makes everything he plays on better. AND he’s one of the best songwriters/composers I kn