Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP-15: Staying on Track--The Long & Winding Weight Loss Road



  How many times have you decided that on Monday, you’re going to start a new diet and things will be different this time? How many times have you started that diet and quit before you reached your goal? When you start a new diet, are you all excited and hopeful about it? You know, before you have to deal with the reality of the unnatural way of eating, the hunger or the deprivation. Maybe you’re looking for some kind of easy magic solution and hope this will be the one. At first, you might really stick to the regimen, at least for a few days, or maybe weeks. Maybe even a month or two! Maybe you lose a few pounds. But this way of eating gets really old fast. That structure, which kept you on track for a week or so, is wearing on you. Soon, you feel miserable. You can’t eat and drink what everyone else does at parties. You have to make food choices that aren’t very satisfying. Because this diet plan was not something you could do and live your normal life--a characteristic of every diet—you eventually “mess up