Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP-17: 20 Alternatives to Afternoon Snacking When You Aren’t Hungry



Are you someone who snacks a lot in the afternoon, regardless of whether you’re hungry? If you are hungry, there’s nothing wrong with having an afternoon snack. I am often hungry around 4:00 p.m., and because I believe in honoring my body’s signals, I will eat a snack or small meal. Have you ever thought about WHY you snack? A lot of people snack in the afternoon out of habit. They don’t think about whether they’re hungry. Eating a snack is part of their routine. When we have habits, we tend to do things without thinking. Often the people I coach have a habit of eating in the afternoon, but it isn’t because they’re hungry. I’ve heard all kinds of excuses for afternoon snacking, most commonly: I’m tired I worked so hard today that I deserve this treat I need a break I’m low on energy If you aren’t hungry, food isn’t going to fix the problem. Instead, it will store the energy from your snack as fat, thus undermining your weight loss efforts.  Listen to the podcast for some ideas for ways to care for yourself i