Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP-20 - The First Question to Ask Yourself if You Want to Lose Weight



You think you want to be slimmer, and maybe you even have a number you’d like to see on your scale. Yet you struggle with diets and your weight isn’t going down. It may be going up. What’s the problem? Have you ever thought about WHY you want to lose weight?  This isn’t a trick question, but if you’ve been unable to succeed, it is likely because you don’t  know why you want to be lighter in the first place. Knowing why is so important for your focus and motivation. Because let’s face it—changing the way you eat takes a lot of focus, awareness and attention. And you’re not going to make it a priority if you don’t know why you want to slim down. Your why is NOT a number on the scale. It’s never really about that. Seriously. Listen to the podcast to learn why knowing your real “why” is crucial to your weight loss success.