Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP 25-Dealing with Common Social Eating Situations



Eating is a very social thing. We plan events of all sizes around it. Parties. Weddings. Holidays. Meeting your friends for lunch. Eating is so social that some people actively dislike eating by themselves. How many of you would not walk into a restaurant alone, even if you’re traveling by yourself? Today, I’m talking about social eating outside of your home. In those situations, like when you go out to lunch with a group of friends, or you’re at a party--do you eat differently than when you’re alone? If you’re like most people, you probably do! Social eating raises a lot of issues for many of us. In social situations, we may be more likely to eat when we aren’t hungry and to eat things that may not be our first choice. Are your eating choices influenced by any of these? People pleasing The food pusher Copycat eating Listen to learn strategies for dealing with three social situations that may make it difficult for you to eat in line with your health goals. If you haven’t done so yet, sign up for my free Stop