Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP-26: Road Blockers and Role Models



Are there people in your life who seem to want to sabotage your efforts to lose weight and develop a healthier relationship with food? It could be a relative or a friend. Maybe a coworker. Your mother? Have you had the experience of people saying things to you like: You’re no fun when you’re trying to lose weight. You’ll look older if you lose weight. What do you mean you don’t want a piece of MY birthday cake? Oh, come on. You can eat that! If you keep doing that, you’ll develop an eating disorder They try to push food on you despite your polite and repeated refusal. They pressure you to eat. They try to shame you into eating what they want you to eat. I call them road blockers. They make the already challenging path to breaking free from those habits that have made you overweight more difficult. Then there are the role models. How I love those role models! Although they don’t know it, role models are there to help us on our weight loss journey.  Listen to learn strategies for dealing with Road Blockers an