Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP 31- Stop Associating Food with Sin and Guilt!



Do you consider certain foods “sinful?” Do you ever said anything like, “This chocolate mousse cake is so sinful!” After you eat those “sinful” foods, do you feel guilty? Do you call certain foods “guilty pleasures?” Have you ever wondered why you feel guilty about eating food? In this episode, I encourage you to take a different approach. It’s time to stop blaming the food. You see, the problem is not the food. Food does not have the capacity to sin. Food is not doing anything except being food. It is not asking you to eat it and doesn't care whether you do. I'm not the arbiter of sin, but I’ve got some other ideas about who is doing the sinning here, and it isn’t the eater, either! So listen to learn why it is unproductive to call food sinful and to feel guilty about eating. Also, if you’re enjoying this podcast, help spread the word to others. Tell your friends. I’d really appreciate it if you’d take a few minutes to leave a review on iTunes. That helps others find this podcast so they can drop their extr