Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP 34-How to Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts



Do you feel frustrated in your weight loss efforts because it seems like you keep making the same mistakes over and over? Have you vowed a million times to stop doing certain things, like continuing to eat even though you’re full, or snacking after dinner or eating too many sweets, but you keep doing them anyway? Then, do you get upset and beat yourself up over it? If so, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t’ have to be that way. The problem is that you’re using the wrong approach to change your behavior. Vowing to stop doing something doesn’t work. You need to have a plan to change your behavior and establish a different habit. You need specific, doable strategies to overcome your obstacles. What if you reversed your approach? What if, instead of vowing never to snack after dinner, you assume that you will continue to snack after dinner unless you design and implement strategies to remember not to do that and to prevent you from doing it. Strategies to replace that habit with a different one. Listen to learn how