Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP #44 This Year, Resolve NOT to Go on a Diet, Detox or Cleanse



It’s that time of year when people are overeating holiday food like it’s their last meal! At the same time, they’re planning on starting a new diet after New Year’s Day. Many have gained weight over the holidays from overeating. You know the thinking. “Gotta tank up on eggnog because who knows when I’ll get to drink it next.” Do people really believe they can only have these foods at Christmas and there’s nothing good to eat and drink the rest of the year? Many people will attempt the latest “miraculous” cleanse, detox, diet craze or diet challenge, hoping for  a quick solution to their weight issues. Some of the headlines on Pinterest are totally ridiculous. "Egg diet--Lose 24 pounds in 2 weeks!" People really believe that?  Are you planning to start a diet? I certainly hope not! Why? Because diets don’t work and I don’t want you to fail! I want you to succeed at being your healthy weight for the rest of your life. Dieting gives you a 1-5% chance of success.   Listen to learn the 7 reasons why you should NOT