Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP. 51- How to Really Enjoy Joy Foods



There are certain foods that we love because they taste great, but they have little or no nutritional value.  I call them “joy” foods. If you want them, eat them. In moderation. Yes, you heard that right. I am a proponent of not having any foods that are off-limits. No forbidden foods, except for medical or ethical reasons like being vegetarian or vegan. This scares some people. They think food has power over them. They think they can’t control themselves when they’re in the presence of foods they love. One of the most difficult issues some of my clients face, especially those who have been dieting for years, is allowing themselves to eat whatever foods their bodies desire when they are physically hungry.  I hear things like: If I let myself eat French fries, I’ll have to eat the whole order! I won’t be able to stop! I can’t keep cookies in the house or I’ll eat them all at once! When I have chocolate in my home, it’s like it calls my name until I eat it all. Here’s the thing. The only way to have control a