Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Mark Richards and The Wasatch Way with Tina Holman



Mark Richards, the owner of Wasatch Recovery, and Tina Holman our Experiential Director join us today for another episode of The Wasatch Way.  Tina has been with Wasatch since the day Wasatch was open and she is a powerful influence on every client who has come through our program.  Tina is also a licensed yoga instructor and helps our clients understand the power of joy and connection.   In this episode, Mark and Tina, discuss how taking our clients each week to do service for someone else is the cornerstone for their recovery.  Also, why yoga is the foundation for experiencing happiness and joy again in their lives.        If you or if someone you know is feeling alone, lost, and not connected this episode is a must-listen.    Click the link in my bio and enjoy.   … #connection #joy #awarenss #yoga #service #helpothers #addiction #boundaries #mentalhealth #reccovery #recovered #overcome #hope #wasatchrecovery #beliefcast #tsinspires  …. You can connect with Wasatch here: