Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Are You Safe to Be Thin + Healthy?



On this month's episode, Elka calls in. She shares that although she's trying her best to stay high vibing, she feels discouraged. After chatting with Elka more, Crystal learns that apart from being in the healing and wellness industry for 30+ years, Elka is now a part of a network marketing company that sells essential oils. Elka also has an expertise in oils that she carries from her 30+ year-long career. She says she keeps trying to share her business and connect with clients but is having trouble getting them to sign up. Elka also shares that she's been doing this business for a few years. Crystal asks Elka why she's continued to ''do the business'' if she finds it difficult and isn't feeling successful with it. As they chat, Crystal asks Elka to dive deep into her ''why.'' Initially, Elka shares that she wants to help people feel good and be happy, essentially to make the world a better place. Crystal asks again, "why?" And as they dig in, Elka uncovers her real WHY for doing this business and how she