Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Purchased for Holiness (1 Peter 1:17-19) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Just as God is different [set apart] from the world, so are Christians to be set apart & different from the world. But why? What's the motivation for godly living? Because God is the impartial Judge of all, but He's also a caring Father who has sent His Spirit to direct His children. Psalm 112:1 says that the person who truly fears the Lord also greatly delights in His commandments! Michael Reeves says, “The Gospel both frees us from fear and gives us fear. It frees us from our crippling fears, giving us instead a most delightful fear.” This directs the lives of Christians "throughout the time of their exile". Christian exiles haves been ransomed from the futile ways of the world & their unbelieving forefathers. The way of life that seeks to be justified by something other than the mercy of God alone is futile. Our redemption, salvation, & inheritance hangs on Jesus' purity, not our own.