National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 10/26/11



The government is stepping up its efforts to stop hackers.  The National Security Agency now provides Wall Street banks with intelligence on foreign hackers.  Some experts believe that is a sign of growing U.S. fears of financial sabotage. Is your privacy at risk?  According to privacy watchdogs, it may be in danger if you use Facebook.  Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner began an onsite investigation following accusations that the company is creating extensive “shadow profiles” of non-users. Apple is going to battle with a German family café over a cutout silhouette and a leaf.  The café owners say they named their restaurant to what translates to apple baby after a nearby apple orchard.  Christin Romer says she commissioned a logo, which turned out to be a red apple that looked a lot like the tech giants logo. Also check out the job of the day!