National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 12/05/11



Cyber security is has long been an issue for those in technology.  Now, as it gains in popularity among criminals, it is also gaining as an economic problem.  A survey recently released by PricewaterhouseCoopers showed that cybercrime is the fourth most prevalent economic crime globally.  Some experts even predict that it will shoot up to second on that list in about two years. Take cybercrime more seriously.  That’s what’s governments around the world are being urged to take the threat of cybercrime more seriously as a new initiative is set to bring help to countries looking to keep online scammers at bay. The New Year will bring new opportunities for most consumers and businesses. Unfortunately, those new opportunities are often accompanied by new threats posed by cybercriminals bent on exploiting cybersecurity in new ways. Also check out the job of the day.