Fox Beyer

What‘s Your Inspiration E066 Tricia Roos



Tricia Roos is a Dallas wife and mother who built a winning career in sports and high school admissions, but found her greatest victory in loss. Against the advice of medical experts, she carried a full term child she was warned would die at birth or before. That season,Tricia’s team won every game; the child in her grew, and eventually she held and loved the daughter who wasn’t supposed to live. In six days of a brief and remarkable life, Annabelle Roos rewrote the medical chapter on a chromosomal condition called Trisomy 18—giving life to a story that galvanized a large high school, a big city, readers of When Wishes Change, and audiences nationally.  Listen as she shares her story; one of how faith whooped fear’s tail. Insta, Facebook, TikTok- @whenwisheschange