The Champions' Cast - Zelda Dungeon Podcast

Episode 196 - Picking The Worst Themed Dungeons in Zelda!



In a somewhat darker twist on our All-Star Team episode from a few weeks back, the gang are now picking their LEAST favorite themed dungeons in the series, which is not as easy as you may think! We pick out the dungeons that make us cringe, from the intro dungeon, to ice themed, to water themed, to mini-dungeon, all the way to the final dungeon! Come listen to figure out our thought process, what self-imposed rules we created for ourselves, and to hear us reveal our lists – in which some of the dungeons might surprise you, and some might seem obvious! All this, PLUS, some Microsoft/Activision talk, and discussing whether we should watch more Zelda-themed movies in the future. Come hang out with us! If you want to play along and make your own list, use this template: Intro Dungeon: Forest Themed Dungeon: Water Themed Dungeon: Fire Themed Dungeon: Ice Themed Dungeon: Desert Themed Dungeon: Scary Themed Dungeon: Mini-Dungeon: Vertical Tower 2D Themed Dungeon: Technology Themed Dungeon: Themeless Dun