Sunday Sessions With Deanne Love

Manifest: Strategic Abundance



Manifest: Strategic AbundanceEveryday I am becoming richer and richerMoney comes to me easily and effortlessly.Wealth constantly flows into my life.I am wealthy.I always have more than enough money.I attract money to me.Large amounts of money are coming to me in ever increasing amounts.I am grateful for everything that I receive.Today I am attracting wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.My wallet and bank balance is overflowing with money.How does it feel in your body, in your mind when I say these affirmations? What sensations roll through you? What blocks present themselves? What freedom makes itself known to you around the idea of wealth and abundance?When I say the word abundance what comes to mind? Images? Feelings? Ideas? Colours?When I refer to abundance in my life I think of many things. Connections, health, wealth, community, miracles, energy. In this week's episode I want to talk about magnetising two abundant things...wealth and opportunities.My story around money has been an ever-evolving one. As