Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

Blessed for What?



Psalm 67 What's a person saying when they say that they are blessed? What does it mean to give or receive a blessing? What does the word 'grace' mean? Who gives the blessing in the Numbers passage? Who gives the blessing in Psalm 67? A couple of John Piper resources worth checking: 1. Let the Nations be Glad book 2. 'Look at the Book' online lab Three purposes of God's Blessing 1. That the way of salvation would be known v.2 2. That the world would worship the true God. 3. That God would be enjoyed! Three things about God: 1. He's Gracious - 2. He's Just - 3. He's Sovereign - So, if you ask, why am I blessed? The answer is always ______________________ How I can make the way of salvation to my world? 1. Testify 2. Give financially 3. Go! 4. Pray What does it matter if I get involved or not? Discussion Questions: 1. Where are you identifying with God's Blessings in your life? 2. How are you turning those blessings into someone else's life? 3. Which of the four ways of making 'the way of salvatio