Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

Thanksgiving; Ambassadors of the Kingdom



This fall, we are exploring what the Bible says about who we are as God's people, focusing on the images of Kingdom of God, Family of God and Body of Christ. As God's people, we are an expression of God's Kingdom. This means we are ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we'll explore what it means to live lives of gratitude that extend the restoring invitation of Christ to the world. As Christ's Ambassadors... We Live Out the Reality that We Are Restored to God (vs. 14-17) Paul was compelled by God to live out the implications of being given a whole new life. We live our gratitude to God as we walk continually deeper into the reconciled life God has given us. Where do you need God's restoring work in your life today? We Share with Those Around Us the Message that They Can Be Restored to God (vs. 18-21) Paul declared that we are all given the ministry of sharing the message of reconciliation. In 1 Cor. 15:1-11, Paul described the basic components of this good news: - The Gospel is