Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

Moving Forward With The Peace Of Christ



On this 4th Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of PEACE and reflect on the angel's announcement of "peace on earth." When our lives are disrupted, we look to re-establish peace. This was the case for both Joseph and Herod. Their responses have much to teach us about the peace Christ came to give at Christmas. We experience the peace Christ came to give as we surrender to Him. Joseph surrendered to God and His purposes and came to know God's peace and provision. Herod resisted God's purposes and His distress grew. o Will I surrender to Jesus as Saviour? o Will I surrender to Jesus as Immanuel (God with Us) in the midst of life's disruptions? Our response to God's offer of peace can have profound impact on those around us. By surrendering to God's peace, Joseph became part of God's restorative story in the world. By resisting God's way to peace, Herod created great distress and pain for those around him. o How intentional am I in aligning my life to God's peace-giving story? o What do I want to see when I lo