Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder

EP. #175: How to Reach Your Goals with Baby Steps



How many times have you heard this saying?  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  That’s how I think about dieting. Even if you try different diets, you’re still restricting what foods you eat, not listening to your body, and trying to lose weight by doing something unsustainable.  Diets are designed to be temporary, so even if you lose some weight on one, you ultimately go off it. Because you haven’t changed your eating habits, you’ve got at least a 95% chance of gaining it back. So many people have difficulty reaching their weight goals (and any other goal for that matter) because they’re caught in a pattern of doing the same thing or a not-so-different version of it, that doesn’t work, over and over again. Maybe you snack after dinner while watching TV every night.  Maybe you eat at your desk at work and don’t really pay attention to how much you’re eating or whether you’re hungry.  Maybe you try to skip meals and then end up overeating.  These are all hab