Sunday Sessions With Deanne Love

Manifest: Become a magnet for your dreams



in this podcast episode, the first of a series about manifesting anything you want, I will share with you the foundation to becoming a magnet for your dreams. Then over the next couple of weeks I will share all of the powerful tools that make thoughts become things.Side note, I am flying to Tokyo in the morning, the birthplace of some of the grandest dreams I have ever visioned. I am beyond elated to be returning to a place I once called home and I am in awe of how life rolls out in all of it's divinity, it is no surprise that I begin to share this series about manifestation as I head back to a part of the planet that fostered so much magic and deeply fertile manifestation periods. One new years day in Tokyo I sat down in a cafe and wrote a list of very clear and specific dreams that I had, some of them were difficult to fathom at the time because i had just started hooping, was still in a career that I knew I wanted to change, and was wondering where I would get all of the abundance I needed to live out