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Ep. 13_Part 10 of 11_How Al-Anon Works Audiobook



Diane mentions (in part 10 of 11 from Episode 13), how this podcast inspires her to try something new (like the audiobook version of "How Al-Anon Works" (eA-22)) and always reminds her that she has choices.  She explains how the vision motto "Dream Big" applies to the long-term outreach project she's working on, more virtual recovery avenues we want to explore (especially for outreach purposes), and how a pandemic is similar to recovery.   QUOTABLE MOMENT FROM DIANE: "...our experiences lift us up and not hold us down."  LITERATURE MENTIONED & RELATED EPISODES: "How Al-Anon Works" (audiobook)  –  Episode 6: part 3 of 4  "How Al-Anon Works"  –  Episode 1: part 1 of 2,   Episode 6: part 3 of 4,   Episode 10: part 1 of 4,   Episode 10: part 2 of 4,   Episode 11: part 2 of 4,  &  Episode 12: part 2 of 5  "How Al-Anon Works" (electronic book)  –  Episode 6: part 3 of 4  "As We Understood"  –  Episode 6: part 1 of 4,   Episode 6: part 2 of 4,  &  Episode 10: part 2 of 4  OTHER WAYS TO EXPLORE &am