Kitty Talks

Mastering 2022 with Energy Forecast Series



I kick off the 2022 Energy Series with my message to you from the Akashic recordsHere’s what you’ll learn in my podcast:  22 is the Master Builder or Master Architect number. The Master Numbers in Numerology are to be the most powerful numbers out of the rest.22 is also considered as the Master Builder in the Triangle of Enlightenment and so, possesses overwhelming power!! Our job this year is to Master ourselves! I start the series Friday 7th January, and over the next few weeks will be interviewing various experts on the energy of 2022, how you can use this year to leapfrog your development and become a Master of Your Reality! R  Are you unhappy in your ‘live to work’  job? R  Want to get off the corporate hamster wheel but don’t know where to begin? R  Are you ready to dynamically incubate what you really want to do? You know, that true calling you’re carrying around inside of you!!Corporate philosophy and fear of change can br